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High Triglycerides           Triglyceride goal: less than 150



What are triglycerides and why are they important?
Triglycerides are formed when your body metabolizes fat.  They may predict your chances of developing heart disease even better than cholesterol levels.  They are part of the fatty plaque build-up in the arteries that leads to heart attack, stroke, and perieral vascular disease.
What causes high triglycerides?
Genetic predisposition Poorly controlled diabetes  Hypothyroidism  Certain medications            Excessive alcohol  Overweight  High fat diet  Recent fatty meal
What can I do to lower my triglycerides?
Aerobic exercise Maintain a healthy weight Any degree of weight loss Higher fiber, lower fat diet Lower carbohydrate diet  Treat other medical problems like diabetes  Increase the amount of fish in your diet
What treatments are available?

Omega-3-fatty acids (fish oil) 2000 – 6000 mg per day

Fibrates (Gemfibrilzol, Fenofibrate, Tricor)

HMG-Co A reductase inhibitors (Lipitor, Pravachol, Lovastatin, Crestor, etc)


How do I know if I have hypertriglyceridemia?
If your triglycerides are very high, you may have symptoms: pancratitis, trigyceride deposits in the skin, triglycerides deposits in the eyes
Everyone should have their triglycerides, cholesterol, and good and bad cholesterol checked every five years after age 20.
 What should my triglycerides level be? 


If you have other risk factors for heart disease (diabetes, hypertension, smoking, family history, blockage of arteries, heart attack) your triglycerides should be below 150.

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